Positive Body Image: A Letter to Moms of Daughters

I remember promising myself when I was very young that I would never be one of those women when I grow up who wanted weight loss surgery or to change their bodies. But then I became her. So dear current moms and future moms of daughters, keep the following in mind next time you look in the mirror. Your daughter sees you as...

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How to Eat Healthy for 1 {On a budget!}

Almost anything is significantly easier if you have unlimited funds. That being said, most people do not have that privilege. As a young person who lives on my own and maintains a healthy lifestyle, here's what I've discovered  as my keys to success on a budget: 1. Eat in season. In season fruits and veggies= cheaper/ tastier. 2. Your freezer is your best...

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Being a Hardworking and Empowered Woman in the 21st Century

I wasn't supposed to have issues like this. I attended a well known progressive elementary school and the top Catholic school in my state for middle school and high school. Both my parents are college educated, my mom even has her PhD. The only voice I heard was "you can do this if you put your mind to it." My own biggest enemy...

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