
Just a Few Spring Photos

Michigan is widely know for its bipolar weather. Two weeks ago it was practically 70 and GORGEOUS! This past week it was warm but there was storms galore! I'm talking thunder, lighting, and flooding. This weekend it was in the 30s and Friday night it actually snowed! How crazy... but here's some recent photos that I've snapped... After a recent downpour, my sister...

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Tips to Make College Tours as Painless as Possible

I decided to take a break from crafty posts and give you some tips about something very stressful... It's that moment when parent's really do realize that their kids are moving away soon and going off to start a life of their own.  DISCLAIMER: NONE of these tips are meant to be offensive or hurtful in any way. I'm just offering tips from...

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Celebrating Spring with Chica es Artistica!

It's been spring for a little bit now but here in Michigan its finally starting to look like it... or at least not look like winter! In celebration of this gorgeous weather and to offically ring in the new season, I'm offering 20% off in my etsy shop Chica es Artistica! Use the coupon code "Spring20" at the checkout for 20% your purchase from Chica...

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