

Okay. I'm back to share some photos! Life has been crazy! I have nothing (or any time for that matter!) to redo or refurbish. So here's some photos from my Homecoming last night: Dress: Francesca's Earrings: Francesca's Ring: My mom's jewelry dish Bracelet: My grandma's Clutch: Aldo's Shoes: Perisian's (Steve Madden)  We didn't even ride in a limo. We snuck into a friend...

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Family Photos

We finally did it.... We took family photos! We went to a cousin's wedding and decided to take pictures while we were all dressed up. This picture here we got printed and we're going to hang it in our big photo wall in our basement. I'll definitely have to show an updated version of that. Little Rory wouldn't cooperate for the picture but...

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My First Official Photography Gig

It's true! I got one. I'm going to be shooting pictures for my best friend's family. I'm kind of really scared. I'm beginning to doubt mine and my camera's skills. To make it up I had a mini photoshoot with myself. I'm not charging them since it's my first one and if they don't like the results I don't want them to have...

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