
Sweet 16 Birthday Gift Basket Idea

12:39 PM

Here in Michigan (and in most other states) the driving age in 16. So for those special girls (and maybe boys?) who are getting their license, here's a great birthday gift basket idea for them. Disclaimer: this basket is obviously aimed at girls but feel free to modify it for boys!

 This is more of an "emergency" car kit than a real emergency. I figured I'd leave that stuff up to the parents and this is cuter anyways ; )
 In the basket is gum, ponytails, a nail file, chapstick, tissues, hand sanitizer, air freshener, chocolate, a starbucks gift card, panty liners, and (not pictured) cheez its.

 I found a cute little bin at the dollar store and stuck an index card in the little display window.

 I poofed the bottom up with tissue paper and then wrapped the whole thing in clear wrap.

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