
A Dorm Room DIY Preview

9:07 AM

I have expensive taste and I am not afraid to admit it. However, I do not have a large budget being that I have a minimum wage job and am about to enter into the world of college. Trying to make the two aforementioned things work has been a challenge but its been a fun one. I've dove head first into making decorations and items to be used next year and I've been able to make them on the cheap. Here's a preview of what will be found in my dorm room in two weeks! 
This "M" canvas... it's an M for "Michigan" but it also happens to be an M for Margaret ;)

I made this Door Stop to keep my door propped open! Of course I made this before I found out the configurations of my room (I'm actually in a 2 room quad so my bedroom door isn't actually the door to the hallway)... so worse comes to worst, it'll make a lovely addition to my home rock garden ;)

This canvas here was painstaking and time consuming to make but it was SO worth it because I totally love it! I am all about the inspirational messages y'all!

This sweet fluffy guy and her twin sister will be adorning my bed and I couldn't be more excited... For just $5 in fabric from Jo Ann's (I still have more left over :)) and less than 30 minutes on my sewing machine I made some pretty awesome pillow covers if I do say so myself.

And last but not least (and actually not really even last), I made a little wristlet. It didn't photograph very well but you get the idea... This was actually super easy to make and it only took a few inches of scrap fabric from my pillows to make! I plan to use this to hang my room keys from instead of using a long lanyard around my neck.

Also, not pictured: some cute bunting that is still in the works... (I can't decide how long I want it to be so I haven't finished it yet!) and hopefully a headboard! Check back in 2 weeks to see how everything comes together!

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