
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee...

Just kidding! My mom brought them home. All thousands of them. Here they are!  And here's their new home! I recently tried my hand at painting.  I'd like to thank Winnie the Pooh as being my inspiration for this one: Pretty proud of these if I do say so myself. I just will stick to using stencils from now on though. ...

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Newspaper Dress

' I don't know about you guys but I'm not a big fan of the new blogger. It's so... plain. I'm still out of sorts and haven't posted much in a bit of personal rebellion. Okay that's over.   My friend and I made this beauty for a contest and we haven't heard back yet. Hopefully we will in a day or two....

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My "babies" and my babies

My little babies were born just over a week ago but are getting ginormous already! Just look at them! They love the camera! And being close to me for that matter. Getting a good photo is hard. Look at these uh great shots... I seriously couldn't help but laugh when I saw this.  They're great photobombers. I can't resist those little fuzzy butts....

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First Big Adventure

The first time outside is the best. For the chicks at least. Here's pictures from their adventure  They would not leave me alone! It's pretty hard to get a good picture when they're this close.  The dog had to be a part of the action, too. ...

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They're here!

I'd like to welcome 10 new babies to my home! Here they are! Here's Mia, Isla, and Hannah  Mia Hannah and I My sister and Hannah and Me and Mia Were still waiting for the chicks that are going to go in that middle cage. (Super excited to get them because I might get to meet the cute boy at the feed store...

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