
Whole30 Days 1-10 Recap

5:14 PM

Days 1-10 were a lot easier this round than my first for several reasons:

  • I had company- my mom is joining me on this round so I have some support. My sister joined us for the first 6 days too!
  • I had already gone through this once so I knew it was survivable
  • I know how to cook better now... I admit for my first round I had no idea how to cook eggs because I never really liked them much before then 
  • Very little temptations! Last round we had a party on my second day and it was SO hard to avoid all the temptations. This time we hid all the sweets in the freezer or threw them out. 
I made a meal plan and actually didn't stick to it at all. I made it mostly for my mom's benefit for grocery shopping and cooking because she asked for it. Did she use it either? Nope. We just ate what we felt like or what happened to be on sale in the grocery store. It worked fine and I still have my meal plan to reference if ever uninspired.

Here's a bit of food inspiration for you!...

Day 1
Meal 1: eggs w/ spinach and broccoli hash and fresh cherries (I woke up at almost noon so I basically just skipped a meal this day) (NOTE: This is something I never do so this was a one time thing. Don't worry :))
Pre-Workout Snack: apple
Post-Workout Snack: Hardboiled egg w/ guac
Meal 2: Roasted carrots, potatoes, and brussel sprouts, peas, salmon, and leftover prime rib (with some caramelized onions on top)

Day 2
Meal 1: Chopped banana, spoonful of almond butter, whole almonds and then 2 hard boiled eggs chopped and mixed with some guac.
Meal 2: Steak salad with half a sweet potato
Snack: apple and almond butter
Meal 3: Apple Chicken sausage, sauerkraut, and some marinated veggies
 Day 3
Meal 1: Pumpkin Egg Protein Bake with dried cranberries
Snack: raisins and almonds
Meal 2: Tuna w/ homemade mayo, celery, and a bunch of yellow tomatoes and a banana
Meal 3: Spaghetti squash and homemade spaghetti squash
 Day 4
Meal 1: 2 eggs w/ spinach and half an orange
Meal 2: Sauerkraut, half a chicken and apple sausage, spaghetti squash and spaghetti sauce
Snack: apple and almond butter
Meal 3: Half beef/ half venison hamburger, lettuce, tomato, homemade guac and sweet potato chips
 Day 5
Meal 1: Green smoothie ( I don't like drinking smoothies as a breakfast but there was spinach that was going bad) and hardboiled egg w/ guac
Snack: dried cherries
Meal 2: Eggs scrambled w/ chorizo, cactus, and spinach, tomatoes, and half an orange
Snack: apple and almond butter
Meal 3: Chicken, roasted pepper, roasted butternut squash and broccoli and toasted pine nuts
 Day 6
Meal 1: Pumpkin Egg protein bake w/ walnuts and dried cherries
Snack: dried cranberries w/ almonds
Meal 2: (no pic) leftover salad, hard boiled egg, and apple
Snack: baked potato and spaghetti sauce
Meal 3: homemade beef stew
 Day 7
Meal 1: 2 eggs, sweet potato hash, chorizo
Snack: fresh cherries
Meal 2: (no picture) leftover sauerkraut, chicken apple sausage, and pineapple
Snack: hard boiled egg and apple sauce
Meal 3: Beanless Venison chili and carrot sticks
 Day 8
Meal 1: 2 eggs w/ broccoli slaw
Snack: carrots
Meal 2: Salad w/ chicken and walnuts
Snack: raisins, almonds, and apple sauce
Meal 3: Salmon and cauliflower and broccoli
Day 9
Meal 1: Pumpkin egg protein bake w/ dried cranberries and walnuts
Snack: carrots
Meal 2: Chicken and marinated veggies
Snack: apple sauce and a hard boiled egg
Meal 3: Homemade chicken "noodle" soup (broccoli slaw instead of noodles) 

Day 10
Meal 1: 2 eggs scrambled w/ broccoli hash
Meal 2: Hardboiled eggs, apple w/ almond butter, carrots, and raisins and almonds mix 
Meal 3: Pork loin, sweet potato fries, homemade guac, butternut squash, and beets
Happy Whole30ing y'all!

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