
Crescent Roll Jalapeno Poppers

7:05 PM

Don't let the name intimidate you. These rolls are barely spicy and are full are flavor!

They're full of a few simple ingredients:

  • Crescent Roll Dough (You know the stuff that comes in a can?)
  • Cream Cheese
  • Bacon (Chopped into bits)
  • Jalapenos (Chopped)
Begin by laying out all your little crescent rolls.

Dab a bit of cream cheese on all of them. I'd suggest putting more on than pictured below.

 Sprinkle some bacon bits on it. You can actually find pre-cut bacon bits!

 Chop up your Jalapenos.

Beware they look just like green peppers but are SUPER spicy uncooked!

Sprinkle on the jalapenos and roll up the little croissants

Bake them according the the crescent roll package and wallah! You get perfect little ooeeygooey rolls filled with flavor! And no they are not spicy! Cooking jalapenos takes away their spice but not the flavor.

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4 Sweet little note(s)

  1. Yum - they sound gooood!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. New Follower! Love your blog! I would love for you to visit my linky party going on now at http://wallisfarmsdailywalk.blogspot.com/2013/01/blog-post.html

    Have a great day!

  3. So much easier than the recipe I use. I saw your link on Serendipity and Spice. I would love for you to come by and share your creativity with my friends @

    Robin@ Fluster Buster
    Fluster Muster Linky Party - Wednesdays

  4. Oh those look awesome! Saw your featured at Serendipity and Spice!


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