
WIW: I actually DO own some cute clothes!

Since I wear a uniform 5 days a week, I try and push myself to wear cute outfits once in a while and actually try on my appearance. It's actually an enlightening experience and I enjoy it. Here's what I wore last Saturday while I was on Spring break in between days of just wearing sweatpants.  It's  really hard to get a good...

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DIY Handpainted Kitchen Towels

I am SO overwhelmingly happy with how well these turned out! I picked up a yard of muslin from Jo Ann's for $2 and then I traced a current kitchen towel we had to get an approximate size.  I finished the edges by just folding them over about 1/4 of an inch and doing a straight stitch. I tried to iron them but...

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Chocolate Dipped Orange Cookies

Chocolate and orange just go together so well. I can't really describe why but they just do! Okay chocolate really just goes with everything but still. The texture of these cookies isn't super crisp but isn't super soft either, it's in between and I love it. They're not super sweet so they won't upset your stomach like some other cookies do. Due to...

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What We Wore Easter Addition

I know, I know. Don't post on Easter! Go spend time with family blah blah blah. But while I am sitting here waiting for my mom to get ready for our next family party, I figured I'd share a few pictures of what we wore to our first family brunch this morning.  Don't you just love a good self timer selfie? And do...

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DIY Braided Leather Wrap Bracelet

Wrap bracelets and stacked bracelets are all the rage now if I'm correct. Well I LOVE them. Being the cheapo I am, I haven't bought any yet. Well I MADE some of my own and I love it. I got the clasp pieces and the leather at http://www.endlessleather.com/ .They have so many other cool options it just makes me want to create a whole...

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Spring "Mantle"

Five Undiscovered Pinners You Wished You Followed Sooner

There's SO many Pinners out there who have such quality pinboards but since they're undiscovered, they don't get to share them with the world. I love following random people because of this. Ok since I'm writing this on my iPad in class (shhhh) so I can't include a direct link to their boards. Simply copy and paste the URLs into your browser. I promise...

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