
WIW: I actually DO own some cute clothes!

9:22 AM

Since I wear a uniform 5 days a week, I try and push myself to wear cute outfits once in a while and actually try on my appearance. It's actually an enlightening experience and I enjoy it. Here's what I wore last Saturday while I was on Spring break in between days of just wearing sweatpants. 
It's  really hard to get a good picture with a mirror selfie but getting out my tripod and setting it up with the self timer is just too much of a hassle sometimes!
 Sweater: Tilly's
Shirt: My sister's closet shhh (but before that, American Eagle)
Scarf: I have no idea since it was a gift but I love it!
                   Leggings: Delia's (If you want cheap leggings, don't get them from here because I can only wear these with a long sweater or else my bum is totally exposed!)
               Boots: My grandpa gave them to me the other day... they're vintage kangaroo leather hunting boots.They're also way too big but they're super comfy

 Let's not ask why we have a bunch of random magnets on our door.

And here is a picture of the sky that I got while wearing this outfit. Did I mention I took this out of the backseat of a moving vehicle on the freeway? The sky was just too pretty to pass up!

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