
A little bit of snow and a Christmas recap

2:41 PM

A little bit of snow can't keep us inside! Unless of course it comes accompanied with a power outage and we can't get the car out of the garage. Christmas was VERY interesting this year... actually it was not interesting at all. It was rather dark and cold!

For 5 days we were without power and finally got it back on the evening of Christmas day! Thankfully we have a wood burning stove (but no generator!) so we didn't completely freeze but we did have to go without water and electricity for a bit there. In addition to having no power, a tree had fallen across our dead end street so everyone was stuck! On Christmas morning, we opened our presents by candlelight which will be something I hope I can laugh about in a few years in an non sarcastic and bitter manner.

Anyways, here's this year's Christmas card picture!

And here's how deep the snow was after the recent "snowmeggadon" or whatever everyone was calling it! See that rocking bench in the background? It's almost entirely covered!
 Here's a before picture of the dogs. After all the snow fell, they could barely make it out to sit on their favorite spot of the hill overlooking our pond and the rest of the yard.

She kept sticking out her tongue to catch the snowflakes and I can't tell you how many pictures like this I got!

Here's a final after picture of all the snow! It was well over my knees and was so ridiculous. We had 2 snow days!
And here's a quick picture I took of my sister in all of the snow craze!

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