
The Modesty Myth

This post has been stopped and started many times but I finally feel like I'm ready to share it. Today I'm going to talk about a cause that is a little bit controversial and a lot close to my heart. My title may be a little bit misleading,though. I'm not telling people to be modest. I'm not telling people to not be modest....

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How to Afford the Holiday Season: 5 Tips From a Broke College Student

Life is expensive in general but the holidays are especially so. For a person like me who loves to give, it's hard to have to limit myself. Here are a few ideas I've developed over the years to make the holidays a little easier on my wallet. 1. Do most of your holiday entertaining at Starbucks (or another coffee shop) and just buy...

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Putting the 'Thanks' back in Thanksgiving

        Apparently the latest thing is that many stores are closing on Thanksgiving day so their employees can spend time with their loved ones as well as to encourage customers to do the same. My company is not one of these.        In a world full of technology, where everything moves a mile a minute, sometimes it's hard...

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Tips for Eating Paleo in College

I'm not perfect at all but I've been in college for a little over a month now and I think I've figured out some good tricks to still enjoy college life and to feel good at the same time. I live in a dorm room so I have a tiny fridge and also have a meal plan so I eat at college dining...

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U of M Sorority Rush Outfits!

One of the biggest unknowns about rush is what to wear. The dress code and norm is different at every school but I figured I'd share what's common at the University of Michigan as well as generally the midwest. First Set: Day 1: Comfortable shoes are a must! Clothing that is bright, classy, and makes you memorable is advised (also that doesn't show...

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Dorm Room Reveal

Every girl's dream is probably to have a dorm room that doesn't look or feel like a dorm room. I can safely say that I feel like I've achieved that. With ample storage and enough floor space to spread a yoga mat, I feel super comfortable in my dorm room! Here's the grand tour of it I bought these cardboard letters from Jo...

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College Care Package Ideas (Stuff College Students Actually Want)

I can't think of a single college student who wouldn't love to receive a care package... the big question for the senders though is what to put it them... Here's a few ideas... -An extra toothbrush (chances are, your student has been using their same worn out toothbrush for months now, ew!) -Mini Hand sanitizers -Holiday decorations such as window clings or small...

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A Dorm Room DIY Preview

I have expensive taste and I am not afraid to admit it. However, I do not have a large budget being that I have a minimum wage job and am about to enter into the world of college. Trying to make the two aforementioned things work has been a challenge but its been a fun one. I've dove head first into making decorations...

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Dorm Room Door Stop

One of the tips I've seen all over Pinterest for moving into college is to leave your dorm room door open. Everyone recommended during move in to do this but also during the rest of the year to signify that people are welcome to stop in and chat (and also that it motivates you to keep things clean!). At orientation, though, I ran...

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Rimmel London VoxBox Review

So if you haven't heard of it before, the website Influenster is a hub for product reviews for all kinds of products. I was recently given the chance to try out their most recent "voxbox" of products. All the products I received were from Rimmel London. Here's what I thought about everything!: They all came in a cute pink box which made me...

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Free Workout Classes in Metro-Detroit

We all know that gym memberships cost an arm and a leg. But what if there was a way around that? Groupon always has some good deals but I have a better solution and it's a free one. Below you will find a list I've compiled of gyms in Metro-Detroit that offer a free work out class for first timers! Hop around to...

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Cute as a Button St. Patricks Day Decorations

Here's a crafty DIY for St. Patrick’s Day Today I’d like to share with you all a tutorial for this Cute-as-a-Button Clover! St. Patrick’s Day is by far my favorite holiday (ok probably right behind Christmas but shh). When your school mascot is the Fighting Irish, it’s hard to not love all things green and gold!  To make this cute little art piece,...

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