
The Little Things

It was the little things that got me through this week. I don't know why I didn't have an absolute break down yet. Let's back up to last Thursday. Big thing: I found out my dad got into another car accident. He just got a new Chrysler 300 about a month ago. And now it's wrecked. He was okay though thankfully. The car...

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My Craft Room

We all have some sort of little nook where we create. I'm lucky enough to have an entire room for me and my sister to go wild. Well lately it's been a mess. Like I could barely walk in since there was bins and bags of fabric and boxes of who knows what all over. You could probably have featured us on hoarders....

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5 Minute Ribbon Holder

The other day I was cleaning my craft room and realized just how much ribbon I had. I finally had enough to make some sort of a ribbon holder. Gasp. Every crafter's dream. Not really but it's been on my "to do" list for a while. So I finally set to it.  I found a dowel at the hardware store for around 60...

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Square Makeup Bag Tutorial

I found the idea for this over at Skip To My Lou.  To make a pretty, boxy cosmetic bag, you will need: 1 Zipper (I recommend one around 13-16 inches) 2 pieces of Fabric (the length of your zipper by the length minus 2... i.e. for a 14 inch zipper, the fabric would be 14 x 12 inches) 2 pieces of oil cloth of...

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The Newest Arrivals- Turkeys!

I'd like to introduce you all to my new little babies- my turkeys! They're just 3 days old now and are little escape artists. They love to follow me around and will get out of their cage to get to me. How sweet but really annoying. Anyway, their names are Sweet Pea and Turkey Boy. If you've ever seen or watched the movie...

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Scalloped Edge Skirt Tutorial

I found a tutorial for a Reversable Scalloped Edge Skirt and fell in love. My sister and a friend asked me to make them one and I agreed. The tutorial was pretty confusing. I convinced myself I could do it. And then once I was sitting there with my fabric in hand, I had this "yeah okay I'm winging this" moment. So I decided no...

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