
Leather and Bead Bracelet

12:41 PM

I've seen these bracelets all over, in stores and such, and I realized just how cool they'd be to make your own! Well I've dabbled in jewelry making (okay more like tried and usually never ended up wearing anything I made) but I figured I could try and make a bracelet like this!

I searched and it turns out there's TONS of tutorials for these all over. I found a tutorial for it here and it was pretty good.

Anyways, I followed all the measurements it gave me in the tutorial and I ended up with this little beaut

I found the leather at http://www.endlessleather.com/ and it was perfect. It's 1.5 mm cord.

The beads I bought at a local shop in my town. I have no idea if they have a website or not? But they were around $0.20 a piece.

The button was in my grandma's button basket of antique buttons that she gave to me before she died.

The fishing line (which is really hard to see!) came from my dad's very dusty and underused tackle box.

I'm very proud of my handiwork!

 Again if you'd like to make your own bracelet, you can find a tutorial here and some leather here. I haven't seen any leather cords in stores at all so online is your best place to get it.
Happy crafting!

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