
My Favorite Online Photo Editing Sites

2:17 PM

Much to my dismay, I do not own photoshop. And truth be told, the generic photo editing software most computers come with just doesn't cut it.

Here are a few of my favorite online photo editing sites:

Foto Flexer- Kind of like an online version of photoshop but simple
Pixlr- A very simple editing program that is easy to use but limited
Gickr- A site for creating gif files (moving pictures)

Those are definitely my top 3 go- to sites when iphoto fails me.

Have a great day everyone! My to-do list is just too long to stay and chat!
I have some amazing DIY projects coming up... hopefully soon!
They're all ready to be started... we just haven't gotten that far.

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1 Sweet little note(s)

  1. I don't have photoshop either! THanks for giving me some new options!


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