
Craft Room Inspiration

9:05 AM

We've been slowly working away at making our house beautiful again... I mean hey, we've only lived here 17 years! I'm not even 17... anyways, the next total redo room on our list is the craft room. I mean I cleaned it up and you can find a lot of photos about that here.

But it honestly doesn't quite look this pretty anymore.

 I mean there's a giant roll of batting that for some reason is being lain across my sewing table. The fabric stacks are really getting jumbled. And the long table to the left that I selectively cut out of this picture is still a giant mess. I have about 5 empty feed sacks laying there waiting to be bag-afied.

I want a permanent solution! We're planning on painting the room and offically cleaning the stuff that wasn't cleaned up before.

Well I couldn't find anything else I liked.

Anyone have any ideas on what I should do?
 I'm pushing for either grey and yellow or aqua and red (or coral). My sister wants aqua and pink. I tried to reason with her saying that coral is a shade of pink. She just wasn't having it. UGH.

 But I've already found some great, free printables I want to hang up! I found most of these through just google images so I don't really know (or remember!) where I found them. If they're yours, just say so and I'll post a link!

I also found a bunch of life related printables that I may just put up because I like them. Not because they have any relation to crafting at all.

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1 Sweet little note(s)

  1. The second printable is quite catchy! No matter what words you choose to inspire you, what matters most is they are powerful enough to get you motivated. Good luck with your project!


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