
Happy/ Sad

Today was a sort of a tipsy day. Both good and bad. There wasn't one thing that ruined the whole day, but there wasn't something that brightened it either. Except for when some kid fell out of their chair and landed on their face.... but hey! That's mean! Here's a lovely web cam photo (*cough* NOT) of a recent flower. It's been too long....

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Ugh. I'm just having one of those days. I started a stop-motion video for my technology class today. I think that's what they're called. You guys know those videos made out of a billion photos. Well, 209 photos, 4 dead batteries, and an hour and a half later, I have successfully completed a total of less then 30 seconds. Oh joy. I am...

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Project Thrive

        Yes, here is the promised post! I know I've been bad and haven't shared too much of my crafting feats lately. There's not much to write about, so don't feel like you're missing anything. I somehow stumbled upon this. Don't know how, don't remember where. I clicked some link and Project Thrive popped up.  Well click the link then go to the...

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So proud!

       No, I don't have anything crafty to share with my uh numerous readers today, but I'll write a little something so you guys don't feel abandoned. I had my first track meet of the season today. Can anyone say cold? I somehow managed to get both sunburned and all chapped from the wind. It wasn't helpful that the blanket I...

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Shoe Flowers!

I've been DYING to make some flowers for my shoes! Except I was cursed with some nice n' wide feet so I rarely ever fit into flats! My little sister on the other hand got my mom's skinny feet. She loves flats so I plan on raiding her shoes and adding some flowers. At Diary of a Preppy Mom, I found a GREAT...

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Rosette Necklace

On Saturday (wow it takes me FOREVER to post things...) I was going through my grandma's button basket. Here's some of the interesting buttons I found: *squeal* Not only were there buttons... but zillions of beads! I could only pick out a few... but I assure you that they are down there. Nice and dusty and chipped, but down there. I dipped the...

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Fabric Flowers!

Well, I found a sort of an abstract flower tutorial at Hey Jen Renee. It's not really abstract, but every single flower is different and they look flowerish but not over powering flowery. It's hard to explain... Anyway, I made one from her tutorial! I completely freehanded my petals... I actually didn't even draw them out. I just started cutting and they turned out...

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Upcycled Tank Top

So it wasn't REALLY upcycled, but it was more reused, fixed up, and beautified. I took an old tank top that fit me still, but the straps were all ratty and falling apart. Sorry it's flipped... my computer will re rotate it back every time I try to! UGH. Here's a close up on the ripping part. I took this shirt:Which I've been using...

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St. Patrick's Day Pennent

*Pennant-whoops! Oh boy! Another Saint Patrick's Day craft! I know I can't wait to be pinched for not wearing green.... or not. Anyway, for a while (okay, maybe less than a week or so), I've been wanting to make some sort of garland or pennent for my little Saint Patrick's Day display which is gradually getting more festive. Not the best picture because...

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Bird's Nest Pendent

I found a post at Shabby Soul showing an easy tutorial on how to make these.She made a little nest very similar to this. It was so cute not to try! Plus my mom's name is Robin so the robin eggs just made me think of her. Mine is a little different. First of all, she used a gold wire, but all I could find...

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Pot of Gold!

I found inspiration for this at Yesterday on Tuesday. Thank God for rock gardens! This craft would be sooo much harder if I had to go outside and dig thru the snow and frozen grounds for rocks. I went outside to my now melted rock garden, picked a few fine specimins, spray painted them a nice shiny gold and wallah gold pieces! For...

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Lace Bows

I've tended to stay away from making bows. Why? No reason. Well it's probably my fabric to ribbon ratio which is extremely steep. With a withering wallet, I tend to like very cheap crafts from materials I have on hand. When my grandma died, we got all her sewing supplies. That means lace, rik-rak, buttons, thread, and more. Well, We've never had a...

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Drip Art Canvas

I don't know what else to call this, but I love it! This was popular a few weeks ago and quite a few posts circulated around blogland about it. Here is my own creation! It looks kind of post card sized right here... but really it's about the size of a sheet of paper. I'm really too lazy to go and measure it....

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