
I've been a bad blogger

2:40 PM

        I know, I've been busy. Doing what? You may ask. Well, mostly nothing.
        I had writing day camp all last week. It was better than I thought it would be but I seriously felt like the oldest because all the other girls my age were pretty immature. I was hoping to see none of them ever again but one is actually going to my school next year. Pretty cool since she was nice. Although she made me look tall... and I'm the exact opposite.
         This past weekend I had cheer camp. It was almost exactly what you'd find in a cheer movie although there was no spirit stick. We all had fun getting sweat stains on our "onesies" (just matching color of shirts/shorts) and having dance parties at two in the morning. Everything really is funnier at night.
        I'm now getting to the point where cheer is my life. I've got numerous shirts with the word "CHEER" in some form on the front. I've got Soffe shorts in every color. I even have tons of hair bows, sparkly and non, in my school's colors. I also have 9+ bottles of hairspray. I have a whole drawer full of curlers.
        I'm going to be very sad when school starts in 2 weeks and I have no time to craft! Each week, I'll be spending about 35 hours at school, about 10+ hours cheering, the same amount on homework, and probably the rest sleeping or attempting to have a social life. Crafting will have to be saved for nights where my insomnia seems to kick in.

       What happened to the days where I had play dates and went to the park? Where the only make up I wore was pretend? When I wore my hair in pig tails and braids. Ahhh. I want to go back!
       Instead I've got to focus on summer spanish, on nailing my back tuck, on getting more power during stunts, on remembering to not eat dairy because no matter how many times I eat it, it ALWAYS upsets my stomach.
      Well, almost goodbye summer.

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1 Sweet little note(s)

  1. I was a cheerleader too! That was the most fun I had during high school, so enjoy it!


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