
Simple Skirt

8:00 AM

         This is my 100th post! Whoo hoo! I'm glad to have come this far.      
         For this post, I wanted to do something special. I've been wanting to make a simple skirt for a very long time. I found the perfect tutorial over at Ruffles and Stuff.

          I decided to give it a shot. I headed to Jo Ann's, 50% off coupon in hand. I got a yard of 2 in. wide elastic for maybe 1.87 or so. I had about 5 or 6 inches leftover. Of course the first fabric I really liked which was maybe 7 or 8 dollars a yard was the one I chose. I think I got 1 2/3 yards and it was enough for two skirts.

For my waistband, I just turned marked how big I wanted my waistband to be and sewed straight across a few times.

I then noticed this: 
 I was going to just take out the stitches are start over, but they wouldn't come out easily so I had to live with it.
Here's my fabric:

Here's my seam. It's weird how everything matches up. That was 100% unplanned. 

And now here's my first attempt at a photo shoot where I'm the model. Most of these are my "What the Heck?" faces.

What a great photographer. 

Shirt: Delia's Skirt: Me
        I had planned on making either another skirt from the leftover fabric or just saving it because I liked it so much. I came home from cheer practice to see my sister had wasted 4 dollars worth of fabric on a skirt. She is the type who will just start cutting and hope it turns out. I would have been fine if that was ANY other fabric. I think she did an okay job but because she didn't ask first, I'm having her pay me back for it. Let's add that to the other money she owes me.

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11 Sweet little note(s)

  1. Great job! Love the print. Ah, sisters, gotta love them :) Thanks for linking up with us this week. Hope to see you at our party again. BTW, congrats on your 100 post! That is awesome.

  2. Love the skirt...I am also one who will start cutting and hope it turned out ok :)

  3. Love that skirt-and the fabric! You did a great job! I'm heading to JoAnn's today! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Cute skirt! That is just how sisters are! Anyone who has one knows it true!!

  5. Such a cute skirt and such cute fabric! And sisters can be a big, fat pain sometimes :)

  6. Super cute skirt and fabric! Joann's is our neighborhood craft store as well. Your blog is now being followed, I'd love a follow back over at lisaranae.blogspot.com!

  7. Hi this is Taylor from the Hannah Handmade team. Congrats on your 100th post! What a great accomplishment!!!! I am your newest follower. Come follow me back? :D

  8. what a cute skirt! I especially love the print of the fabric! thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend!

  9. Oh so cute! That fabric is adorable, and you did a wonderful job on the skirt!! I'm like your sister and just start cutting and hope it works out too :P

    Thanks for linking this up at H&H, I'll be featuring it tomorrow ^_^


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