
Apron Attempt

2:01 PM

       This past weekend, we sent the dog to a pet hotel the neighbors house. We packed up and drove down to Indiana to visit my dad. We went to the zoo, a minor league baseball game, and Hobby Lobby.
       Yes, I have NEVER been to Hobby Lobby before then. Is that sad or what? The closest one to our house is about 45 minutes. Urg.
        My mom picked up an apron kit for 5.99 (50% off!). I guess she's going somewhere where she needs to bring an apron. Odd but okay.  I made it for her and ended up getting $10. The thing was a total pain so I'm definitely glad I got paid :)
          After spending about an hour cutting out all the pieces, I was annoyed and saved the rest for the next day. The material is kind of ugly so I'm embarrassed to share pictures.  Ignore the PJ's and the messy hair.

 Not a big fan of the sweet heart top. It looks  more like a crab claw. 
Turning the straps inside out is a great mindless, TV watching activity. 

      All in all, this is not something I will buy again. It all came on a sheet of fabric and the directions were printed directly on it. This was supposed to be a project for beginning sewers. It was pretty easy but the directions were crap. In one point, it tells you to fold a strip of fabric in half. I folded it hamburger style and sewed it. I soon realized it was supposed to be a strap so it needed to be hotdog style. I  had to take out all the stitches, fold it the other way and sew which was a pain. 
       Maybe I'll try this again but with my own choice of fabric, no pattern, and no claw top.
Enjoy this one, Mom. You're not getting another for a long time.

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5 Sweet little note(s)

  1. I'm so proud of u, I'm just learning and hope I too can do as well as u!


  2. I have yet to make an apron but yours looks great!!

  3. I love making aprons, maybe it would be easier if you followed a different easy pattern. I don't follow any pattern, they can be so easy to make. Now following you via google and pinterest, Karima x www.karimascrafts.com

  4. Hi this is Taylor from the Hannah Handmade team! YOur stuff is super cute!!!! I am your newest follower. Come follow me back?
    Have a nice day :)

  5. Thank you so much! I'm following you and totally loving your blog!


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