
Hair Bows

9:30 PM

This post was inspired by Anthropologie inspired hair bow Anthropologie inspired hair bows at Sew Home Grown. She made ADORABLE little hairbows to slip into easter baskets last minute. They're perfect for that. I started to make one from her tutorial but when I got to this stage:

I decided I didn't like it. I didn't have any white bobbins already wound and I was too lazy to wind another so I just used pink.

CONFESSION TIME: I don't actually know how to wind a bobbin. Is that sad? I've been shown how to loads of times and I just can't remember how to.

Anyway, instead of folding it inside out and sewing it, I just did a stitch all the way around and then proceed to twist it and then wind the wire around the center.

I decided I didn't like it.
I took a little strip and stitched a line right down the middle... or close to it and then glued it around the middle.

I hot glued it onto a bobby pin and wallah! I looks like a piece of crap in that picture. Yuck.
Here's it in my hair. Trust me, it looks a lot better in person. I love the little pink stitching. No one can really see it. But still... It's just all dainty and shabby and cute. I love it.

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2 Sweet little note(s)

  1. Really cute! I have been thinking about doing something like this as well :)

    Lovely blog you have here. Thanks for visiting me, hope you have a great weekend!

  2. That is very cute! Your crafting/sewing process sounds an awful lot like mine ;)

    Thanks for linking this up at H&H, sorry I'm a bit slow getting around to everyone!


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