
This really is Time Well Spent

Today, I will be constructively spending my time in a well spent manner at Time Well Spent.  I'm sharing my shirt dresses which you can find here, here, and here. Let me just tell you that Suze is seriously one of the nicest bloggers I've met. She's so sweet and easy to work with! Her blog is just straight up adorable. She's a great photographer so you...

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My First Guest Post :)

        Woot woot! I'm so excited! Today you can find me over at While He Was Napping. I'll be sharing my Newsprint Nails Tutorial. Go check it out! While He Was Napping has an awesome linky party, Weekend Wander, lots of recipes, crafty tutorials, and a bunch of kid friendly ideas and activities.         Here's some awesome stuff you can find at her...

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A Little This and a Little That

Today has been pretty great so far. I got back from my month long vacation to Mississippi this afternoon. Last night we had to find a hotel in the middle of no where because we had three screaming kids. Like bawling. Anyway, we were only 3 hours from home but everyone was way to tired. We went and surprised the kid's grandma at...

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Flower Week

If you look on the sidebar, you'll see an icon for "Flower Week." Please come back between July 10th and 16th and join us! I'll be sharing tutorials from around blogland, attempting them, and possibly sharing my own tutorials. I'm currently trying to find some guest posters if anyone would like to volunteer :) Maybe I'll drop some hints closer to it, but...

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Sweet Saturdays

       You can either take this post one of two ways. You can groan and say "Two food posts in one week?" or you can run to the pantry, make sure you have all the ingredients and then get baking! I personally suggest the second option. My mouth is watering and despite the fact I just had breakfast, my stomach is...

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Friday Top Five

I decided I need to start something fun on my blog. So each Friday, I'll post five of my favorite posts from around blog land. And now, in no particular order, my Friday Top Five: 1. Cereal Specimen Chart from Simple Simon and Co.Isn't it so cute? She also made a bunch of other versions that you can find here. I really like this. I also love the...

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Shirt Dress Reveal

Okay, so this post is kind of late. Three weeks ago I gave the Shirt Dresses I made to the little girls I'm staying with. One week ago I took pictures of them. Last night we finally got the pictures onto the computer. Phew. Took us long enough! And here they are: As you see, they proceeded to let their princesses go for a...

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4th of July Favorites

        Getting sick of these favorites posts? Don't worry. As soon as I get home, I'll go bury myself under a pile of projects and blog about them all...hopefully. I've got about 15 different things bookmarked. They consist of 3 bags, 2 skirts, 6 desserts containing chocolate, a birthday gift idea, and 3 non chocolate recipes. I clearly have my priorities...

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Bookmarked Baked Goods

       I recently cleaned out my bookmarks list. You know? Delete all the sites, pages, and projects you don't need. Well I guess I was making room for the new. I actually cleaned out about 50 Facebook friends too and I'm not done yet. I seriously don't get why people need like 700 friends. Friend of a friend I met once?...

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Ramblings and Some Bookmarked Bags

I admit it. I'm a planner. I don't always plan... but I do like to about 80% of the time. Blogging is no exception. On Friday I had about 5 different posts scheduled. I like to not have to worry about things. And guess what? I still do. Now how about a commence with an unplanned post? I do like to be spontaneous...

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Happy Father's Day!

For Father's Day, I decided to write a letter to my dad. Here it goes:        Dear Dad,         Thank you. Thank you for the hours you've spent with me attempting to check my tear stained math homework in the midst of a breakdown. Thank you for attempting to help me study for Spanish even though you speak French...

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Early Morning Ramblings

        Today is Saturday. That has no relative meaning to the rest of this post whatsoever. I was pretty much just reminding myself. Now that it's Summer the days just sort of all melt together. Mondays feel like Fridays and the "Monday" feeling is nonexistent.        Anyway, if you go and check out my pages, you'll see I added...

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Layered Father's Day Card

       With Father's Day coming up, there's definitely some crafts for Dad flying around blogland.  I was looking for something creative to make my dad this year. I didn't want to just find a printable and color it in. Though, I do admit to doing that in past years. This year I was up for a challenge. HA. Sort of.   ...

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